Remember that although children play organised soccer they are not miniature professionals. Don’t place excessive pressure on children to perform to unrealistically high expectations. Children play soccer to develop their skills, to have fun and enjoy the game
Be on your best behaviour and lead by example. The behaviour of a team’s supporters will often be remembered long after the result of the game. Be remembered for the right reasons
Applaud good play, sportsmanship and best effort by the visiting team as well as your own
Welcome and respect all your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no match
Condemn the use of violence in all forms at every opportunity
Verbal abuse of players, match officials or opposing supporters cannot be accepted in any shape or form. Players or match officials should never be regarded as fair targets for ignorant or abusive behaviour. It is the responsibility of the club volunteers, management team to report said abuse and the committee / child welfare officer / disciplinary committee will deal with it in a fair and democratic manner. Any spectators who partake in such behaviour will also be held accountable and will be subject to the same disciplinary sanctions as club members.
Whilst we understand that Management, Coaches, Volunteers in general aren’t always able to control the behaviours of parents and attendees at games, so we respectively ask that you send on any issues, complaints, observations to our Child Protection Officer.
All complaints will be handled delicately and in confidence. Together we can stamp our poor side-line behaviour for the protection of all.
Children in Lusk United AFC are entitled to:
Be safe
Be treated with dignity, sensitivity and respect
Participate in soccer on an equal basis, appropriate to their ability and stage of development.
Lusk United AFC have decided that all players are entitled to a minimum playing time of as set out in the FAI Player Development Plan per match. (Consult League rules in this regard). Criteria for team selection should be clearly defined.
Be happy, have fun and enjoy soccer
Make a complaint in an appropriate way and have it dealt with through a proper and effective complaints procedure
Be afforded appropriate confidentiality
Be listened to and to be believed
Have a voice in the running of the club
Children should also be encouraged to realise that they also have responsibilities to treat other children, fellow players, coaches and volunteers with the same degree of fairness and respect.
In this regard children in Lusk United AFC should undertake to:
play fairly, do their best and have fun
be on their best behaviour at all times
abide by all club rules
make high standards of Fair Play the standard others want to follow
respect opponents, they are not the enemy, they are partners in a sporting event
shake hands before and after the match, whoever wins
give opponents a hand if they are injured, put the ball out of play so they can get attention
accept apologies from opponents when they are offered
respect fellow team members and support them both when they do well and when things go wrong
treat players from minority groups with the same respect you show other people
be modest in victory and be gracious in defeat- “Be A Sport”
approach the club Children’s Officer with any questions or concerns they might have. Coaches and parents should encourage children to speak out and support them in doing so
Children in Lusk United AFC should not:
Partake in the use of underage drinking, illegal substances or other misdemeanours that bring the club and / or its volunteers into disrepute
Use abusive language, or argue with, the referee, officials, team mates or opponents
Use violence, use physical contact only when it is allowed within the rules
Bully or partake in same with others
Take banned substances to improve performance
Behave in any manner that may bring the name of Lusk United into disrepute – this also pertains to the players behaviours outside of their training / match days. Members who partake in any of the above whilst wearing Lusk United colours and in a social setting, may be required to sit before the disciplinary committee in relation to any offences committed outside the club
In Lusk United AFC we want children in Lusk United AFC to have fun and develop skills in a safe and Fair Play environment where standards of behaviour are just as important as winning. We recognise that competition and winning is an important goal, but winning at all costs does not meet the needs of young players.
Lusk United AFC are aware that recent research would suggest that increasing numbers of children leave sport between the ages of eight and thirteen. A number of the most common reasons given were; that sport was no longer fun, they did not get to play and overemphasis on winning. Therefore we have to make every effort to ensure that we keep a balanced approach to competition, make sure all players get a chance to play and strive to keep the fun in soccer.
Abuse of officials:
Any player who abuses referee’s or match officials, or other club officials will be held responsible for their actions, they will face a disciplinary hearing, they will pay any fines relating to the same issue. Further disciplinary action may be taken by club resulting in the revoking of their membership and dismissal from the club.
Making sport fun
In promoting “Sport for Fun” we in Lusk United AFC will insist on:
Encouraging participation and fun
Promoting the development of skills as opposed to winning at all costs
Ensure a minimum playing time of 15 minutes per match per player (time may vary according to League Rules)
Emphasising and praising effort
Acting as a good role models
Insisting on Fair Play (we will take off offending players)
Being realistic with our expectations
Being aware of children’s feelings
Teaching players to respect different cultures
Teaching players that standards of behaviour are just as important as winning
Codes of behaviour between Coaches/Volunteers and children
All Clubs should establish a code of behaviour between workers and children, to avoid the possibility of misunderstanding, or the potential for allegations of misconduct.
Such codes should include the following guidance:
Coaches/Volunteers should be sensitive to the risks involved in participating in contact sports or other activities
While physical contact is a valid way of comforting, reassuring and showing concern for children, it should only take place when it is acceptable to all persons concerned.
Coaches/Volunteers should never physically punish or be in any way verbally abusive to a child, nor should they even tell jokes of a sexual nature in the presence of children.
Coaches/Volunteers should be sensitive to the possibility of developing favouritism, or becoming over involved or spending a great deal of time with any one child.
Children should be encouraged to report cases of bullying to either a designated person, or a Coach/Volunteer of their choice. Complaints must be brought to the attention of management Committee.
Everyone involved in the Club/League should respect the personal space, safety and privacy of individuals.
It is not recommended that workers give lifts in their cars to individual young people, especially for long journeys
Best Practice-Coaches
In keeping children and young people at the forefront of planning and practice, our coaches can be confident that participants will enjoy their football experiences and that their actions are regarded as safe and in keeping with the principle that the safety and welfare of children is of paramount consideration.
Our Coaches are given a position of trust by parents/guardians and players, and are expected to operate to the highest standards of behaviour (Act as a Good Role Model) whilst in the company of underage players (under 18years). Our coaches are also expected not to engage in any activity that could reasonably be viewed as bringing the club or soccer in general into disrepute. It is important to for our coaches to note that in adhering to these guidelines ensures not only a safe environment for children but also a safe environment in which coaches and volunteers can operate.
Most coaches work in an environment where it is recognised that, in a sporting context, certain types of coaching require a ‘hands on approach’, i.e., it may be necessary to support a participant in order to physically demonstrate a particular technique. This should only occur when necessary and in an open and appropriate way with the knowledge, permission and full understanding of the participant concerned and his/her parents/guardians. Coaches must realise that certain situations or friendly actions could be misinterpreted, not only by the player, but by outsiders motivated by jealousy, dislike or mistrust and could lead to allegations of sexual misconduct or impropriety. Therefore, coaches should be aware of, and avoid all situations conducive to risk.
Where possible, our coaches/volunteers should avoid:
Spending excessive amounts of time with children away from others
Taking sessions alone (always employ “Two Deep” supervision)
Taking children to their homes
Taking children on journeys alone in their care
Our Coaches/volunteers should never:
Exert undue influence over a participant in order to obtain personal benefit or reward
Share a room with a young person alone on away trips
Engage in rough physical games, sexually provocative games or allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any kind, and/or make sexually suggestive comments about or to a child
Use any form of corporal punishment or physical force on a young person
Take measurements or engage in certain types of fitness testing without the presence of another adult and permission from the Committee
Undertake any form of therapy (hypnosis etc.) in the training of young people
Coaches have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all players possible within the limits of their control. Therefore, coaches should seek to create a safe and enjoyable environment in which to play and train.
In this respect:
Regular safety checks should be carried out in relation to premises, training facilities and equipment. Any problems should be brought to the attention of the Committee
Appropriate safety rules should be adopted and implemented and protective equipment should be used in any contact training session.
Parents/guardians should be informed of the starting and finishing times of training sessions and matches.
A first aid kit should be available at all training sessions /matches and injuries should be recorded, with a note of action taken in relation to each one
Parents/Guardians should be notified of injuries/illness which their children incur while participating in any football activity
Never play injured players.
Ensure that the FAI Goalpost safety policy is strictly adhered to at all times